Remap Sponsorship appeal

My progress

A stand attempt

15th September

I have now contacted Remap head Office and got their acceptance of my proposal to attempt the challenge.

I have also got "Buy in" from the Erith Leisure Centre manager for the use of their facilities and permission to film the attempt.

In preparation I have been using the quad press, the pulley weights and the hamstring curl machine for several weeks now.

The first Iteration of this web site has been produced and the Just Giving web site is now on line. I have produced an appeal document and printed the first batch of "Memory jogger" cards.

29th September 2010

The Gym management have moved machines around in an attempt to make things easier for me to do the stand.

This is helpful but I felt that I would be inconveniencing others so I looked at other machines with a view to standing against them.

The Pulley weight machine looked like a good bet so I had a go and this was the result:

 Nineteen seconds....

I think that this is the equipment to stand against

9th October

Trying to work the hamstring curl machine

 Things did not go so well today at the Gym. For some reason I had no power in the muscles that I have control of so I could not  work the equipment as well as I normally do. For some reason the quad press had been moved too close to the entertainment equipment so I could not use it

The stand time was much less than last week. It is a pity that  yesterday's attempts were not recorded - they were better.

20th October

The Gym has rearranged the exercise machines again so that I can access the machines that I need to use. I really do appreciate their very helpful actions. 

Things are going better. - This week I managed fifty five seconds at the Gym. It was a pity that the camera man was not around to record the progress.

DHB, The physiotherapist  has upped the agony. Now, when I stand I have to stand, squat down half way then stand straight again. He wants me to do this ten times within each stand. I managed six squats before hitting the seat of the power chair. My new regime has reduced the stand time to 35 seconds.

The hospital canceled my session with them so I was unable to stand there this week.

Next week will be a rest for me as three of my training sessions have been canceled, leaving only the hospital gym session to do a supervised stand. I will still exercise so that my strength is maintained.

28th October

I went to the Royal National Orthopedic Hospital at Stanmore today for a routine ultrsound check of my shoulders. They found a partial tear in one of the tendons and gave me three injections: .A local anesthetic, a steroid and a long term anesthetic injection, which should resolve the problem. At the moment the shoulder hurts more than it did before the injection.

I have been told not to stress the shoulder for at least a week so I will not be able to go to the gym and train next week.

I will have to find other ways to strengthen my legs.

3rd November

I went to the Royal National Orthopedic Hospital at Stanmore yesterday where they gave me an infusion of an anesthetic.  This reduced my neural pain levels dramatically but unfortunately only for a few hours. I went to the Gym today and, to my surprise, found that the exercises were easier to manage. 

The gym was busy but I managed to stand a couple of times for just under a minute.

10th November

I managed five stands earlier in the week and the average for the five stands came out at one minute ten seconds. I'm almost there!

Now all I need is more sponsorship and then I will be able to show a final video on the WEB.

This morning I damaged my back. Although I  do not have true feeling my body knows when it is damaged. It tells me that it is hurt by going into spasms and suddenly jerking me out of position. This stopped me going to the gym and making a video of my progress. The afternoon gym time was taken up with investigating the extent of the damage and then treatment. 

I have been advised to "take it easy" for a couple of days.

Following the Stanmore visit last week, my neural pain levels appear to be lower than they were before treatment. That said my non-neural pain levels have increased. The treatment to my shoulder was successful and am now able to use it normally.

17th November

The back has now sorted itself out. I rested it for five days then exercised gently for the rest of the week.

The gym session  was not particularly good with the best stand time being about fifty seconds. It is surprising how lack of exercise for a week can cause my strength to fade.

I will exercise more at home and try to get my strength back for next week's gym session.


10th December

The last couple of weeks have been pretty ghastly.  The winter came early and has imprisoned me in my home. For the first week of snow no cars moved in my street and my carers could not get to me to get me in or out of bed. Janis, my wife, who has her own health problems, had to hoist me out of bed in the morning and put me back at night.

This week was better  but I was still unable to get my power chair from the pavement to the road so I could not get to the gym.

DHB, my physio came here and I did some training at home and In five attempts I managed to beat the minute five times.

I now believe that standing for a minute is now realistic and that I will be able to do it almost "On demand".

Susan Iwanek, the chief executive of Remap has emailed me to say that she will be meeting with the people who will film the attempt and she will keep me informed of developments.

21st December

Honest guv, I have not been ignoring this web page. It  is just that I have been unable to get out to train because we still have snow. I am still imprisoned in my home.

So, to keep your interest up there is another video on You Tube. In this one it can clearly be seen that I am unsupported when I stand and answers someone who said to me "There is no way you can stand. It must be a trick."

Happy viewing

There is no trick, the only supports that are used  are those you see.

15th February

Disaster (for me) has struck! My wife Janis is seriously ill. Last Friday she had to be taken to hospital with breathing difficulties and with the onset of paralysis. Once there she was admitted and her condition was stabilised. It was found that she had a virus infection and the doctors treating her say she should eventually recover. Her main problem is that her legs are currently paralysed and she cannot walk.

A few days before I attended a pre filming session where I met the film director (who is also wheelchair bound) and the production team. We went through the filming script and made a few amendments. The final film will be much more professional than I thought it would be.

There is also another "Hiccup". One of the ramps on my car has malfunctioned leaving the suspension "Locked" and the car undriveable. I phoned the specialist dealer who has told me how to unlock the suspension but I will have to get someone to do it for me. I have arranged for someone to do the unlocking for me and have booked a repair slot with the specialist garage.